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Inspire and empower EVERY student to pursue academic and personal excellence. 

Math 7.0 Syllabus

Welcome to 7.0 Math!


7.0 is an on grade-level class.  We will be covering all of the 7th grade common core standards.  It is important for the students to speak up, ask questions and seek out help.


This year we will focus on three important math learning goals. The first goal is to give students a solid foundation in their math skills necessary to flourish in Math 8, Algebra and beyond. The second goal is to build a student’s knowledge base, which leads to an increase in analytical reasoning, abstract thinking, and problem solving skills that are necessary to be successful in math. Finally, students will conceptually understand the math they are doing, and not memorize a process or formula. They will to be able to explain their thinking, both in writing as well as verbally, behind how they solved a problem, reason analytically and justify the  “whys". 


Talking daily about math and how it relates to the real world will be a big part of math class this year. Math practice includes word problems that involve reading complex text—understanding not only the math required to solve the problem but also what the problem is asking a student to solve. Projects and performance tasks are interwoven into units’ lessons in order to enrich a student’s understanding of content material. Solving pages of numerical problems have been replaced by reading and writing problems, explanations and justifications. Students are now being asked to write claims, justify their reasoning with mathematical evidence, and then state a detailed conclusion. 


Our 7th grade math class will also contribute to developing good organizational skills and habits. We will be building a community of math learners within our classroom who will feel confident about their mathematical progress this school year.




The trimester grade will be calculated using the following breakdown:


Assessments (tests, quizzes, classwork, projects): 70%

Practice (homework, exit slips): 30%



Homework Guidelines


All of the specific requirements for homework, late work, and absent work are in the Homework Expectations Packet


Each homework assignment must have the following title in the upper right hand corner:

  • First and Last Name

  • Class Period

  • Date

  • Assignment

  • Teacher


Daily homework assignments are due at the beginning of the following class and may be graded on completeness and accuracy.

Read homework expectations.


Homework is assigned daily. It is important to exercise your math brains each night by engaging in mathematical thinking. Homework is not only graded on getting answers right but on the process of DOING the work in order to practice math. Students earn a maximum of 4 points on most homework assignment unless otherwise stated. Check homework guideline packet for more specific guidelines and additional information.


Grading Scale on Homework:


  • All problems are NEATLY done

  • Contains proper heading: Name, class period, date

  • Line has been skipped between problems. (When applicable)

  • No fringes or tears on paper

  • Answers are boxed or circled.

  • ALL work is shown.

  • ALL guidelines and directions are followed.


  • Most problems are completed NEATLY.

  • Contains proper heading: Name, class period, date

  • Some work is shown on most problems.

  • Incorrect assignment has been done.

  • Most guidelines and directions are followed.


  • Assignment is late

  • More than 3 problems not done

  • Work is messy

  • Proper heading is missing or incomplete: No name, class period or date

  • Directions and guidelines not followed


  • Answers only, no work is shown at all

  • Missing Assignment


Late Work Policy:


For excused absences, daily homework will be accepted with one extra day allowed for each day of the absence.

For missed daily assignments, there will be an opportunity for revision for partial credit until the day of the module assessment.


Math Materials


These materials must be brought to class each day. Keep these supplies replenished. Being prepared, organized, and ready to learn are important skills that will lead to your success in school and in life.


  • Agenda Binder

  • Pencils – mechanical or wooden. You should have at least 3-4 pencils in your backpack.

  • White board markers

  • Eraser

  • "Math" tab in your binder or a folder dedicated to math– to organize and transport math materials

  • colored pens or pencils for correcting or color coding

  • Ear bud or head phones 

  • {Mechanical pencil lead or manual pencil sharpener }

Sign up for Messages

I send home weekly emails about what is going on in math class through Power School.  Please make sure your email is accurate and you do not "opt-out" of receiving messages.  If you need to update your email at any time, please see Carol in the office.


The most efficient way to communicate with me is through email ( I check email several times per day, and in the evening. To the very best of my ability, I will respond within 24 hours. If you wish to meet with me, please email me to set up a time. I am available before and after school on most days, by appointment. Students who have been absent are urged to meet with me in the morning or afternoon on the day they return to school, and not during their regular class period.


We will be using Eureka Math (formerly Engage New York) to teach the California Standards. You can visit the website to view and download any instructional materials.


Eureka Math - 7th grade





Mathematical Practice Standards

Common Core
8 Mathematical Practices:


1.  Make sense of problems and persevere in solving           them.


2.  Reason abstractly and quantitatively.


3.  Construct viable arguments and critique the                  reasoning of others.


4.  Model with mathematics.


5.  Use appropriate tools strategically.


6.  Attend to precision.


7.  Look for and make use of structure.


8.  Look for and express regularity in repeated                  reasoning.

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